Lynn the artist

I’ve adored bright, dancing colors for as long as I can remember. It was always a thrill when my parents would take me to art galleries and I could ponder how artists made what I saw. From that early age I knew that I wanted to do something in the arts.

I tried photography and painting and performing. Eventually, performing won out when I became a professional actress. After I had my kids, I studied the ancient art of storytelling so I could write and perform on my own schedule. I still travel as a storyteller, performing stories and shows I developed for Cascading Stories.

Lynn the storyteller

Lynn tells stories for a wide variety of audiences: adults, children, families, special interest groups.

She loves all things story, so that means she tells folktales and fairytales, myths, and personal narratives and human interest stories that come from her experiences, and from whatever she and other people find fascinating.

“Lynn does this magical thing. She utterly transforms herself into the characters she's telling about. She becomes a little girl – surrounded by grownups – learning to use chopsticks. She becomes those clunky grown-ups. She becomes a First Lady, or the President of the United States. She pulls off what a lot of us storytellers try to pull off; we stop seeing the teller. We see the little girl. We see the grownups. We see mirthful and wise Lynn herself, in all stages of life, bringing us along.”

-Andy Offutt Irwin