Lynn’s art delights the senses. It’s like being bathed in layers of color and whimsy, story and memory.
— M. R., Maine

Lynn Ruehlmann

Artist & Storyteller.

I’ve adored bright, dancing colors for as long as I can remember.  It was always a thrill when my parents would take me to art galleries and I could ponder how artists made what I saw.  From that early age I knew that I wanted to do something in the arts. 

I tried photography and painting and performing.  Eventually, performing won out when I became a professional actress. While I was raising my two children, I studied the ancient art of storytelling so I could write and perform on my own schedule. I still travel as a storyteller, performing stories and shows I developed for Cascading Stories.

Now, I’ve also been able to return to an earlier love. I take great joy working with paint, paper, and a wide variety of textured materials which, when mixed together, evoke myth, fairytale, fable.

Much like the ineffable magic that happens when a group of strangers sits down together to listen to a tale, there is something deliciously satisfying about turning vibrant and delicate papers and paints into solid and tangible pieces of visual art—beauty and whimsy that I can share with others.